Is Today Earth Day | What is Earth Day?

What is Earth Day?

Where does the day fall on the calendar?

And, are there other times in the year that deserve some celebration? That’s what we’re going to discuss. We’ll talk about Earth Day and Earth Day proper, and how we can all help preserve our earth, and make it better, whether or not you’re a fan of politics or environmental policies. I’ll give you examples and give you the links to send to friends and family.

Last year, the events surrounding Earth Day were downright scary. For instance, the weather wasn’t cooperating. I don’t remember any good pictures of Earth Day. Many people wore ugly shirts, and I saw people smoking on the sidewalk. Seriously, it was horrible.

The posters were nasty and disgusting. Now, there are people protesting it this year. According to one news source, there are 20 different groups planning on protesting, and the plan is to march on Washington D.C. Also, more people will participate in Earth Day events outside of the United States.

The weather also doesn’t seem to be cooperative, as storms and heat waves have swarmed the planet this week. Thankfully, we do have a decent number of days of sunshine right now.
Earth Day is on Thursday. It’s the fourth Thursday of April, right before Earth Day proper. It’s been on a Saturday since 1970. I bet that many people didn’t know.
earth day

Don’t worry about sending out Earth Day cards to people who don’t celebrate the day, like that obnoxious one-eyed comedian who made fun of President Obama’s African-American heritage. I remember that seems to be the order of the day. The weather’s not good, and things aren’t looking up. There’s just no guarantee we’re going to survive. According to one news source, a handful of cities are expected to have the hottest temperatures on Earth this year. These are cities like Lima and Almaty, Kazakhstan. The temperatures have soared to 105 degrees, and the Earth Day protests are supposed to be outside of these very hot cities. Yes, Earth Day’s going to get much warmer, with even hotter temperatures.
So, is Earth Day worthy of our celebration? Well, sure. Earth Day is good for you, good for the earth, and a good thing to remember every year. It’s a reminder that our earth is fragile and it needs our attention. Many people are trying to figure out a way to fix this thing called Earth, but no one knows exactly what it’s going to take. Is it going to take government action? Is it going to take private industry? Is it going to take grassroots movements? Is it going to take global cooperation? Whatever the answer is, we need to learn to fix it ourselves, and not rely on the big government to fix everything. The future of our planet is in our hands, and we don’t want our earth to end up the way that the planet Mars looked in the movie, “The Martian.”

Find a local Earth Day celebration, whether it be a walk or a march. You’ll be happy you did. And, I’ll be happy to send you the links to the websites for the global protests that are going on this year. Hopefully, I’ll see you at one of the local Earth Day events, and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.

Happy Earth Day, everyone.

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