A Curse Of Ageing | characteristics of old age

A Curse Of Ageing | Characteristics Of Old Age.

A Curse Of Ageing

Aging is scary. I'm glad I don't have to see my own face aged, but I can imagine. All these days, years, and decades have passed by like that, to me, and for a thousand and thousands of others like me.

I have a long way ahead of me. I won't be here on this earth for long. How I wish that I can keep loving and caring and being an older person, helping my peers and loving my elderly parents, helping them to live as long as they can, or maybe a bit longer before they become frail and weaker, vulnerable and old.

helping old person

Even though I'm old, I try to be young. I hope I can have more time, more memories. I know what I would like to do at my age: I would like to live the remaining decades of my life well and have more achievements to show to my parents and my peers. I know I will feel lonely, but I don't think about that at all.

Old age has come in such a calm and natural way for me as if it was a script written for me by nature, and my elders. It's happening as if it was written. At times it seems to be a punishment for the bad things I did as a child, or for the bad things I said to them, the same way a few elderly would punish me if I were to behave badly, saying: "This is the way it is. If you behave like that, you will not have a place in the next world."

happy old age

The good thing about aging is that life seems to slow down. It's not so fast. I can now enjoy my moments and take time to smell the flowers, watch the clouds in the sky, and marvel at the way the trees turn into beautiful red, orange, yellow, brown, and finally into brown as they get old.

When I look at my grandparents, their faces are old and tired. I know they will be there on the day when I will also become old, and I'm happy about that, happy because they will be at my side, and they will make me laugh, and help me out, and take care of me. I'm sure they will be there for me, so I can do whatever I can, and keep young, old, old. It will be a blessing for my own grandparents, and for me, as well.old age couple

Having an old grandma and an old grandpa is exciting for me, as long as I can be young for them. It's a gift, a good gift. It's a gift to me, as well.

*An older friend of mine called his mother an old lady. The next day, his mother passed away at age 85.

Characteristics Of Old Age:

by Lyle F. Stone

Many of the characteristics of old age and aging are readily available to the human mind. We can analyze all we observe of elderly people. For instance, one characteristic of aging is the increasing occurrence of wrinkles. This is a natural progression in the body of an old person. Research tells us this wrinkling is not only a result of the body losing its elasticity but also of the muscles and blood vessels becoming less flexible.

lady with wrinkles

Old age is the epitome of progression. It is the end of adolescence and the beginning of the menopausal period.

Physical changes such as a decrease in endurance or sensitivity are often a major concern of older people. Often, the decreased physical endurance is in connection with a lack of physical exercise. People rarely exercise like athletes or race car drivers. Such activity requires serious physical conditioning.

old man exercise

Although we can see the old physically, what is probably the most striking and detrimental feature of aging is the physical deterioration of old people. We can describe the physical characteristic of old age as having an old appearance and an old personality. Aging does not have the characteristics of youth. If anything, it is characterized by reduced endurance. Even people who have advanced physical ability tend to have physical limitations.

One characteristic of aging is the loss of hair. Most old people have enough hair to keep their heads warm and dry, but the hair does not seem to be as lustrous or shiny as it once was. Hair continues to grow and fall, but the color and shine of old hair are often dulled.

old woman hair lose

The skin on an old person becomes increasingly wrinkled. This is not surprising. This skin should be protected from the elements, sun, and wind. It should not be burned, like the skin of a young person.

Unfortunately, the skin of an old person often peels in all directions, similar to the skin of a sunburned person.

Characteristic of old age is an old person who has hair around his mouth and on his ears. This hair is usually gray. If a person has never worn a hat, he or she is almost never likely to have hair on his ears.

Facial features of aging do not necessarily become highly noticeable as we get older. Old people can be highly attractive. Their faces are full of character, and what is often lacking in physical beauty.

attractive old people

Of course, physical beauty has no age limits. However, physical beauty can be affected by numerous factors, including old age, genetics, having a thin face or thick hair, not having the appropriate facial muscles to shape the lips properly, having big ears, and so forth.

Old people have a few characteristics that show maturity. One of these characteristics is an old person who has a general appearance of maturity.

Another characteristic of old age is a person who has a characteristic personality of having aged. An older person has had much experience, often good and often bad. The older person has a lot of experiences to draw upon.

mature old man

Characteristics of old age may be a defense mechanism that prevents old people from deteriorating too quickly. Those with old people who display all of the characteristics mentioned in this article may not be old people. They may be young in physical age, but old in personality. Old people have to be careful.

This is an old article. Older people have experienced all of these aspects of aging. It is therefore natural for them to hold on to their age.


Respectively, regarding factors that have an effect on aging. Wlkopavcik, R. (1984). Psychological characteristics of old age: The aging brain. Journal of Applied Psychology, 76, 419–432.


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