World Book Day 2021

 "World Book Day" is a day to celebrate books, authors, and illustrators.

world book day

World Book Day will be 23 April 2021. Everyone has a book in them is the message of  World Book Day, which has been inspiring children to read for over 15 years. As well as bringing together authors and illustrators, schools and libraries to promote books and reading, it’s also a chance for everyone to celebrate their favorite fictional characters.

World Book Day is an annual event, observed on 23 April, that aims to encourage children to explore the pleasures of books and reading by providing them with the opportunity to spend time reading or being read to. The day was established in 1995 by UNESCO and celebrated in over 100 countries.

The World Book Day is the ultimate celebration of all things literary. The World Book Day will be a time to read, share and enjoy stories of all genres, mediums, and fidelities. There will be people of all ages reading on the streets in a celebration of the written word. Wherever you are, whatever you're doing on this day, make sure you are reading; it might even be your chance to meet favorite authors, get your book signed, or even have your photo taken with some of literature's greatest characters!

Each year, World Book Day celebrates children and adults reading books. Create a diary entry years before it happens about what you will be doing on World Book Day 2021. Include the date, the weather, and a summary of what happens when you read a book.

Discover the magic of reading in a whole new way… The World Book Day 2021 collection is filled with reading-themed products and gifts. Its design, however, may remain an enigma for some...

Every year on the first Thursday in March, millions of people celebrate World Book Day by dressing up as their favorite book character and going to school. Join them this year and be part of the world's biggest celebration of books, stories, and reading.

Imagine it is World Book Day in 2021. Imagine you have just been crowned Young British author of the year, for your book of life lessons, graphic-novel style, called 'Stuff' which has sold over 100m copies. Imagine you are only 21 and you spent most of your primary school years moving from place to place, never really fitting in because you were different, and didn't know why or how to fit in. You stopped reading books when you left primary school. 

It's a pleasure to be here with you today on World Book Day. Won't you please join with me in wishing the children around the world who are celebrating their very first World Book day a very happy holiday and we hope that their love of books will last for a lifetime.

world book day

Imagine being able to keep a record of all the most magical days of your childhood in a gorgeous book. With World Book Day on the horizon, this is your chance. From your first day at school or nursery through to your last day at university, World Book Day will become part of your life and life-changing moments will be brought to life with the official images, meaning all can see where you've been and what you've done. It's the first day of your journey through life and it has to be arranged just right. World Book Day 2021 is sure to make that happen!

World Book Day is a celebration of the world's greatest books and authors. It's an opportunity to let children everywhere discover the joy of books and reading, and a day to encourage adults to rediscover their love of reading too.

The World Book Day will be a time to read, share and enjoy stories of all genres, mediums, and fidelities. Please share with your friends and families and spread the joy!

Happy World Book Day!

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