Mother's Day | Significance | Captions | Quotes

Mother's day

Mother's Day:

Mother's day is a beautiful little holiday that is more about men and children than it is about women. The Holiday Observance Society that started up mother's day saw it as an opportunity to spur gifts to mothers because that was the most certain way they could spur them to buy gifts.

On Mother's Day, American children express love and gratitude to their mothers for all their kindness, support, and nurturing.

The mother is the first and often the best teacher. The mother's love, however, does not come alone. It comes together with the wisdom of her race. Her love is affected by a sense of responsibility, and so it is not only a personal passion but a social impulse as well.

As mothers and grandmothers, we did our best. We washed clothes, cooked food, sewed clothes, bought toys and books and furniture, took them to music lessons and soccer games and doctor appointments, attended school plays and parent-teacher conferences, transported them to' activities...

Significance Of Mother's Day:

Mother's day is a holiday celebrating mothers, the women who gave birth to us cared for us, and taught us how to live. Today, we celebrate the bonding of mother and child. The idea started as a way to promote peace.

Mother's day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May every year in the United States. It is also celebrated in United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, though the date varies. It takes place for a number of notable reasons.

Its origins are in the aftermath of the American Civil War in about 1870 when it was meant as a day to honor all mothers who lost children during the war. Later, in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson officially recognized it as "Mother's Day", but with a twist - he declared the second Sunday of every May to be the official Mother's Day and called upon all Americans to honor their mothers.

I have always been amazed that in an era when women occupy more positions of prominent leadership than ever before we still have a special day for honoring mothers. The holiday dates back to Victorian times when the mother assumed the role of the primary caregiver when fathers were away providing for the family. Today there are many single-parent families, but I am convinced that strong women are better than weak men and will continue to push for gender equality. Our patriarchal society persists because men know full well how much they need.

Instagram Captions:

"The greatest love of all is the love of a mother 💗 Happy Mother's Day! #HappyMothersDay."

"The most important thing you will ever do is parent your child. So choose to do it with love. Happy Mother's Day #mothersday."

"Happy Mother's Day to moms everywhere."

"There is no one else in the world quite like you - or quite like your mom. Happy Mother's Day💕."

"thinking of you on mother's day today and always. I love you, mom."

"So proud to welcome you into this world. There's no one else in the whole universe quite like you. Happy Mother's Day!"

"Happy Mother's Day to Moms who make each moment count and offer love and support. We're thankful for you! #happymothersday."

"There are no words for what you do but thank you. Thanks for putting up with us, and being the best parts of ourselves. #HappyMothersday."

"May all the women in your life bring you happiness, health, and love throughout the year. Happy Mother's Day."

Mother's Day Quotes:

"A mother's arms are more comforting than anyone else's."

"My mother was the making of me. I could not have become myself without her." -- George Washington

Mother's day quotes


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